Thursday, April 16, 2009

We can't spell and we don't care

Yes followers and now there are 8 of you - we see our spelling mistake and we say "get over it". We are cats and let me tell you it is very hard to sit in a chair and reach the keyboard let alone see the screen when you are only tiny. Our beauty surpasses our brains at this stage of our lives. Oh the pressure to be purrrfect ...

On to more interesting things and a lovely shade of purple for our friend Katy who drives around town in a small purple car wearing purple, shoes and glasses (we made that bit up). Have just been reading one of the Licence 2 test drive blogs called Veni Vidi Vici and a fascinating story about Stinkhorns. We are off to see if we can find some in our garden and then roll in them.


  1. and soon i shall be driving from broome to darwin, wearing my purple glasses and my purple shoes. alas, i will not be in my purple car...

  2. Hello Josey and Lucy. Leroy says "meow" which apparently means you will know what he said. He rubbed his head up against the screen so he must like you. He enjoys lying on the keyboard when I am typing so he is quite interactive. Have enjoyed keeping up with your adventures and seeing your lovely pictures.

  3. Meow Leroy - hey are you allowed to use the computer?
