Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The end

Well it's goodnight from Josie and goodnight from me. We have learnt so much and thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with all of the Licence2 Test Drive tasks.

Nora plays the piano

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Inka beware will be extremely useful for our research into exterminating Inka. Thank you Mary now no matter where we are we are able to login and view all our bookmarks on the subject.


We have just finished adding our extension collection of books to LibraryThing. View our cat-a-logue if you are in need of good reading ideas.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Get thee to LibraryThing


I must say some of the advertisements appearing on the right hand side at this site are disturbing. Will I every recover from the "Gain flat stomach fast!" picture - I doubt it.

We searched for bookmobile and watched some videos. Must stop serious research on bookmobiles as have had slight accident with tea cup.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yes we have gone crazy and subscribed to even more things on Bloglines. We have even subscribed to Katy's blog and I must say that Josephine laughed hysterically when she read that Katy may be signing up for things in her sleep.

Our favourite Blog though is the Daily cat picture blog. We particularly like this blog as it only reinforces what we suspected. That we (Josephine and Lucinda) are the most beautiful cats in the entire world.

Oh the pressure. Speaking of pressure Josephine nearly lost her entire head the other night. Inka (that dog that now lives with us) put paw (cat's do like word games) Josie's head in her mouth and when the human extracted it all were quite relieved to see that it was still attached. Somewhat wet but needless to say all intact. Josephine still to this day has not lost the shocked and horrifed expression but no doubt it will wear of soon.

We do love our computer but have discovered a much better toy. Stand on the printer, fax, copier machine in the office and press the buttons with your paws and watch all this blank paper come shooting out of its mouth. This is our favourite game to date.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I have decided to tidy up my Bloglines page with everything neatly filed into folders. Sleep will come easier to me tonight.

Inka von Stinka

Well that's what we like to call the new "dog". Quite frankly both Josie and I think she is retarded. She chews her own tail and runs into walls. Hope she is leaving soon...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We created a social networking site on Ning But we are not sure about adding stuff as we are actually quite busy doing important cat buisness around the house. That came out wrong you know what we mean.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

We can't spell and we don't care

Yes followers and now there are 8 of you - we see our spelling mistake and we say "get over it". We are cats and let me tell you it is very hard to sit in a chair and reach the keyboard let alone see the screen when you are only tiny. Our beauty surpasses our brains at this stage of our lives. Oh the pressure to be purrrfect ...

On to more interesting things and a lovely shade of purple for our friend Katy who drives around town in a small purple car wearing purple, shoes and glasses (we made that bit up). Have just been reading one of the Licence 2 test drive blogs called Veni Vidi Vici and a fascinating story about Stinkhorns. We are off to see if we can find some in our garden and then roll in them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Have just finished exploring the SLQ library 2.0: Emerging media and new technology wiki. We were very impressed with the Buzzwords even after we realised that they did not involve insects. For example we could totally relate to "The long tail" as Josie has one and is always getting it stuck in places. "Mashup" is what our human owner does to our "Feed" and she often uses "Ajax" to clean up after us while we kittens play "Tag".

The Recommended resources are very useful and we look forward to astounding our soon to be new sister "Inka" [a mere dog] with our incrediable technologicial knowledge.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Interesting blog we are following

We have been having a read of this blog - very interesting.

Experiment #1

Followers - all three of you - this is Lucinda speaking I have added some extremely annoying gadgets to our blog while Josephine is asleep. Lets see if see notices ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What is it?

Eek we have just been sneaking
around in a cupboard and found a small jar with a name tag "Austin the wonder dog". How on earth he fits in the jar we will never know but we both hope he does not escape - he looks grumpy.


Just exploring the 344,406 results matching mice in Flickr - very interesting ...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Using Technorati

Confession - we were very much side tracked by the pet category in Technorati and found some interesting blogs on how to train humans.

blog is sort of library related well it's about books and an Australian author and thought we would include. Okay that bit is done.

Speaking of books was chewing Jeffery Deaver's book The coffin dancer
and shock horror - one of the characters refers to cats as "four legged worms". We are on a mission to find all books by this author and chew vigorously on the spines.

While the human is away the cats will play

Cats rule - well they do in our
household ...

Allow us to introuduce ourselves we are Josephine and Lucinda though you can call us Josie and Lucy for short. Apparently we were meant to be called Oscar and Lucinda - our owner did a quick name change at the vets when she learnt that one of us was not a boy.

We are sisters and together we have decided to embrace the Learning 2.0 technology while our owner is away at work. So please don't tell as she has very strict rules about us playing on her laptop.

No doubt you are suprised to learn that a cat can blog let alone type. The small problem of the lack of an opposable thumb is a minor inconvenience.

Well that it's for now as apparently we sleep for up to 18 hours a day and time is ticking away. Catch you soon.